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"‘the Man in Pink and Cecile [Mickey] upstage everything—they are just so irresistibly over the top. Johnson’s Cecile has a French accent John Cleese would love. She also has an itch to sing that demands to be scratched, even with the direst of consequences...Together they ride the waves of humor and pathos, to travel an unexpected yet poignant journey."




"‘As Katie, the spectacularly unstable former prom queen who now works a retail job, Mickey Johnson has a wonderful physicality, teetering about on heels, slopping around on the couch, lounging on the floor (“it’s more romantic”) and screaming like a wounded animal when she hears something she just can’t take. "


Star News

“MilkMilkLemonade” is funny, touching"

"Mickey Johnson, funny as cluck."



EXPLORATION OF THE HUMAN PSYCHE: UNCW drama students pull off outstanding performances in “‘Tis Pity…”

"‘Tis Pity She’s a Whore” is an exploration of the complicated world of the human psyche. UNCW’s version produces it with surprisingly strong performances by talented young actors who manage to bring a dense nearly 400-year-old text to life and fuel it with vigor and passion."



Hamlet - "Strong Work, Strong Cast: UNCW's 'Hamlet' will surprise audiences."

"Many of the minor characters from “The Players for the Play—Within the Play” ... to the Gravedigger Clowns (Sarah Parsonsand Mickey Johnson) bring memorable and believable characters to life with very little time to paint them firmly in the audience’s minds. Just to see the cast’s comfort and flexibility with the language of the text was impressive..."



“The Root of Human Experience: ‘Forget About It’ redux hits the mark"

"Carter and Johnson as the comic relief are quite a pair. Actually, this is some of Johnson’s best work to date. She has quite a capacity for dead-pan comedy that hasn’t fully been explored yet. Paired against the manic slapstick behavior of Carter, they are pretty irresistible to watch."



"Some Girl(s)" Mines Relationships for Raw, Intense Drama


"Next, [Guy, played by Nick Reed] visits Tyler (freshman Mickey Johnson), the carefree vixen of his college days, with whom he feels smoothing things over will be easiest. Little does he know, however, that behind her forward advances and puffs of an E-cigarette, she does hold a grudge, one that Johnson portrays by skirting the line between turned on and pissed off."


Star News

Parodying Local Flavor: ‘Murder at the Country Club’ revels in ILM-centered humor


"In the midst of it all, the only technically enabled person (or for that matter common-sense-enabled person), Ace Miller (Mickey Johnson), tries to hold the gala together and solve the murder. It’s a tough life being young and smart. Johnson milks all the teenage angst her part calls for, and it’s hard not to laugh, roll your eyes, and pity her all at the same time. We’ve all been there; we’ve all endured those who are currently there."



F E A T U R E D   R E V I E W S

"Carter and Johnson as the comic relief are quite a pair. Actually, this is some of Johnson’s best work to date."



"Next, [Guy, played by Nick Reed] visits Tyler (freshman Mickey Johnson), the carefree vixen of his college days, with whom he feels smoothing things over will be easiest. Little does he know, however, that behind her forward advances and puffs of an E-cigarette, she does hold a grudge, one that Johnson portrays by skirting the line between turned on and pissed off." - Star News



E V E N T S​



Last day to vote for the Star News Theatre Awards in Wilmington, NC.


Mickey is currently featured in a promotional commercial for WECT. 


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